


新宝GG一键登录:无人驾驶汽车 中国创业者的新冒险


本文摘要:Gansha Wu was a veteran engineering manager at Intel Corporation and director of Intel Labs China when two events upended his world last year. 去年,两件事政治宣传了当时还是英特尔资深工程管理者兼任英特尔中国研究院(Intel Labs China)院长的吴甘沙的世界。

Gansha Wu was a veteran engineering manager at Intel Corporation and director of Intel Labs China when two events upended his world last year. 去年,两件事政治宣传了当时还是英特尔资深工程管理者兼任英特尔中国研究院(Intel Labs China)院长的吴甘沙的世界。First, he listened to the veteran technology writer Michael Malone tell an audience of Intel employees that if they were too cautious they would fail. Then he attended a leadership training session for Intel executives. The trainer told them that “to be a leader is to design a future that is unpredictable and which nobody bets on.” 他趁此机会听见资深科技作家迈克尔马隆(Michael Malone)在演说中对英特尔员工说道,行事过分慎重之后不会告终。后来,他又参与了一场为英特尔高管举行的领导力培训。

培训师告诉他这些主管,“当领导就是设计一个不能预见的、无人押注的未来”。He couldn’t sleep at night, thinking about his well-ordered, 16-year career at Intel. So he decided to take a risk. With four colleagues, he made the decision to take the uncertain path, which today is becoming more common in China than even in Silicon Valley: He quit his job to begin a start-up that specializes in autonomous, or self-driving, cars. 吴甘沙夜不成眠,思维着自己在英特尔那井然有序的十六载有职业生涯。于是他要求要冒一次险要。他与四名同事一起,要求踏上一条不得而知的道路:辞任工作,正式成立一家专心于自动驾驶汽车的创业公司。

在现如今的中国,这种要求甚至比在硅谷更加少见。In the process, Mr. Wu hit upon a rare moment when a tech sector in China is developing in lock step with a similar but separate market in the United States. 在这个过程中,吴甘沙遇上了一个少见的时机,中国的科技业正在和美国那个有些类似于却又独立国家的市场实时发展。In fact, some argue that conditions in China are actually more favorable for quick adoption of driverless cars, in part because of more aggressive support from the national and local governments. And, unlike in the United States, China never fully developed a romance with the open road and car ownership. 实质上,有人声称中国很快使用无人驾驶汽车的条件实质上比美国更加不利,部分因为中央和地方政府的反对力度更大。

而且不像美国,中国未曾与权利遨游和私家车创建起很深的感情。Car ownership has spiked in China, of course. And in recent years, it has become a middle-class status symbol to own a car. For the ultrawealthy, there are clubs dedicated to Ferraris and Maseratis. 当然,中国的汽车拥有量剧增。近年来,有一辆车早已出了中产阶级的地位象征物。

对首富来说,还有专门面向法拉利(Ferraris)和玛莎拉蒂(Maseratis)的俱乐部。But enormous traffic jams in China’s largest cities can make driving a less-than-romantic experience. Why not let a machine built with artificial intelligence inside do the work for you? 不过,中国大城市里的交通堵塞问题相当严重,让驾车出了一种不那么爱情的经历。既然如此,不来让一台用人工智能打造出的机器来代劳呢? Research done by the Boston Consulting Group suggests that within 15 years China will be the largest market for autonomous vehicles, said Xavier Mosquet, a managing director at the firm. Automated taxis will most likely lead the trend. 波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)常务董事泽维尔莫斯奎特(Xavier Mosquet)回应,该公司的研究表明,中国将在15年内沦为仅次于的自动驾驶车辆市场。

自动驾驶出租车近于有可能引导这股潮流。“It’s not that people are more willing to use the cars in Beijing or Shanghai, it’s that the economic value is much higher in China than in the U.S.,” Mr. Mosquet said, adding that air pollution could be as much a catalyst as bad traffic. “这不是因为北京和上海的人更加不愿用于无人驾驶汽车,而是因为它们在中国的经济价值比在美国更高,”莫斯奎特说道。

他还接着回应,空气污染起着的促进作用有可能堪比差劲的交通状况。Even as American companies like Google and Tesla work on autonomous vehicles, a number of Chinese companies are working on driverless car technology. The Internet company Leshi Internet Information Technology (better known as Letv) has a driverless car tech unit, and the Chinese carmaker Great Wall Motors has opened a research center in Silicon Valley. The assumed leader in the field in China is the search engine company Baidu, which has been at work on autonomous vehicles since 2013. 在谷歌(Google)和特斯拉(Tesla)等美国公司都在研发自动驾驶车辆之际,大量中国公司也在研究无人驾驶汽车技术。互联网公司乐视网信息技术股份有限公司(全称乐视)就成立了一个无人车技术部门,中国汽车生产商长城汽车也在硅谷开办了一个研究中心。

从2013年就开始研究自动驾驶车辆的搜索引擎公司百度,被指出是这一领域的领导者。Among the torrent of start-ups, however, Mr. Wu and his colleagues are unusual because of their experience. 然而,在这股创业公司的洪流中,吴甘沙和同事因其自身的资历而与众不同。

Mr. Wu’s company, Uisee Technology, has yet to announce its financial backers, but it has significant ambitions. The team plans to have a technology demonstration ready in less than a year at the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas in 2017. 吴甘沙正式成立的公司驱势科技仍未发布投资方,但该公司雄心勃勃。其团队计划用将近一年的时间,为2017年在拉斯维加斯的电子消费品展览会上展开技术展示作好打算。

“His team is an unusual collection of supertalent,” said Kai-Fu Lee, a venture investor from Taiwan and former head of Google in China. “They combine a mechanical expert from a university, a top computer vision expert and machine learning from Google as well as Gansha and his team of semiconductor experts. Gansha is an excellent leader that binds these people together.” “他的团队汇集了一群不奇怪的超级人才,”李开复称之为,他是一名来自台湾的风险投资人,前谷歌大中华区总裁。“除了吴甘沙和他的半导体专家团队,还有一名大学的机械专家、一名顶级计算机视觉专家、来自谷歌的机器学习技术。吴甘沙是一名出众的领导人,需要将这样的一群人挤满在一起。” The founders of Uisee, which is an acronym for Utilization, Indiscriminate, Safety, Efficiency and Environment, say they believe the company will find a profitable niche between the poles of the driverless car debate that is raging in Silicon Valley. 驭势科技(Uisee)的创始人说道,驭势科技(Uisee)是由五个单词包含的首字母缩略词,依序对应的是对时间的利用(Utilization)、无歧视(Indiscriminate)、安全性(Safety)、效率(Efficiency)和环境(Environment),他们坚信公司需要在硅谷肆意进行的有关无人驾驶汽车的两极分化争辩中寻找一个有利可图的细分市场。

Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has predicted that completely self-driving cars may be on the road in the United States in two to four years. Chris Urmson, the director of Google’s self-driving-car program, has said his goal is to bring a self-driving car to market by 2019. 特斯拉(Tesla)首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)曾应验,在未来的2-4年内,几乎的自动驾驶汽车也许需要在美国上路。谷歌无人驾驶汽车项目主管克里斯·厄姆森(Chris Urmson)曾说道,他的目标是在2019年使无人驾驶汽车转入市场。Others are more cautious, and say they believe it may take a decade or longer for self-driving cars to hit the market. And among the biggest automakers like Toyota, the interest is less in cars that drive themselves than in cars that have artificial intelligence capabilities to assist drivers, like emergency braking. 其余的无人驾驶汽车研发团体则更加慎重,他们称之为,无人驾驶汽车有可能必须十年或更加幸才能投入市场。对丰田等仅次于的一些汽车制造商而言,相比于研发无人驾驶汽车,它们对辅助驾驶员的人工智能功能,例如紧急制动,更加感兴趣。

“We see a few stages toward fully autonomous driving,” said Mr. Wu, adding that safety technologies are coming quickly. He said driver assistance systems will be followed by completely driverless cars in restricted circumstances, such as on private roads, fixed routes at low speed and in controlled environments. Uisee will begin by developing technologies that assist rather than replace drivers. “我们看见通向仅有自动驾驶汽车的一些步骤。”吴甘沙说道,并回应安全性技术发展快速增长,他回应,驾驶员辅助系统经常出现之后,不会是受限条件下的无人驾驶汽车,譬如在可控环境下,在私人路段上,以及按照相同路线短距离行使。

驭势将以研发驾驶员辅助科技跟上,而非代替驾驶员的科技。Baidu has teamed up with BMW and recently said it was testing its technology in the United States. Baidu has said it is preparing to introduce automated public transportation services in China within the next two years. 百度与宝马合力,并在最近称之为,它正在美国测试无人驾驶技术。

百度已回应,它想在两年内将自动公共交通服务引入中国。Unlike Google, which has had difficulty convincing regulators in its home state, California, that self-driving cars are ready for the road, Baidu already has the regulatory and infrastructure support of a number of local Chinese governments, which it will use to introduce small autonomous buses that will run set routes. 在其总部所在的加利福尼亚州,谷歌无法让监管机构坚信,自动驾驶汽车早已为上路作好了打算。


The Chinese government is playing a major role in the overall driverless market. Along with empowering Baidu to run public transportation, in other cases central and local governments have been investing in research and development for driverless car projects. 在整个无人驾驶市场上,中国政府正在充分发挥主要起到。除许可百度经营公共交通外,中央和地方政府也仍然在投资无人驾驶汽车项目的研发。Mr. Wu also embodies a growing entrepreneurial movement in China. The Chinese government reported that 4.8 million new companies were registered from March 2014 to May 2015, a rate of 10,600 new businesses per day, or seven every minute. Even though venture investment has begun to dry up in China recently, the nation has clearly been infected with a Silicon Valley attitude. 吴甘沙也是中国大大加剧的创业潮的象征物。


Although in some quarters it is still known as the land of copycat technology, China has long since moved on to copying the start-up ethos of the Valley, with more and more entrepreneurs creating their own companies. 尽管在一些领域,中国仍然被称作山寨技术大国,但中国早就发展到了效仿硅谷的创业潮流的阶段。更加多的企业家创立了自己的公司。

The Chinese government is encouraging the boom as a way to solve a number of economic problems, including unemployment and the transition of the economy from one centered on manufacturing to one based on services. 中国政府正在希望这种兴旺,指出这是一个解决问题诸多经济问题的途径,还包括失业和经济从以制造业为中心到以服务业为焦点的转型。“This year more than seven million people are entering the job market in China,” said Haiyang Li, a professor at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University in Houston. “What are they going to do with these students? The government does not have any better way to solve the employment issue.” “今年,中国不会有700多万人转入低收入市场,”休斯顿莱斯大学杰西·H·琼斯商学院研究生院(Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University)教授李海洋说道。“他们要怎么处置这些学生?政府显然没更佳的解决问题低收入问题的办法。

” Even as analysts and investors worry the government is over-investing in start-ups, the state support, along with China’s engineering talent and the business need for self-driving cars, could help the nascent business in China. 尽管分析人士和投资者担忧,政府对创业公司投资过度,但政府的反对,再行再加中国的工程人才和对自动驾驶汽车的商业市场需求,可能会对中国无人驾驶汽车这个新兴行业有所裨益。But there are obstacles. In China, roads often have poorly marked lanes and little signage. People, animals, three-wheel rickshaws and trucks are liable to veer in front of a car at any time. That makes for a more challenging engineering problem in China, said Junyi Zhang, a partner with the consulting firm Roland Berger. 但也不存在障碍。

在中国,道路上的车道往往标识不明,缺少引领标志。行人、动物、三轮车和卡车任何时候都有可能陷到汽车前面。咨询公司罗兰贝格(Roland Berger)的合伙人张君毅回应,这造成中国工程问题的挑战性减少。

“It is harder in China, where many roads have pedestrians, bicycles, low-speed vehicles and high-speed vehicles all mixed together,” he said. “It is a very complicated environment, and many don’t ride or drive to the same standard.” “在中国更加无以,很多路上,行人、自行车、短距离车辆和高速车辆全都混合在一起,”他说道。“环境非常复杂,很多人不按照统一的标准行经。






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